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Lymington Qualifier

Event details

One day event – 13th April 2024 – 08:00 AM
Entry fee:  £25 per adult and Free  for juniors* – All of the entry fees going towards the Spirit Of Angling “FreeSpirit” initiatives.

Lymington Yacht Haven
Kings Saltern Road, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 3QD
Phone +44 (0)1590 677071

For boats visiting Lymington Yacht Haven for the event, visitor berthing is available by contacting 01590 677071 or email moc.n1738856677evaht1738856677hcayn1738856677otgni1738856677myl@k1738856677rap.d1738856677rahci1738856677R1738856677.


07.00 – 07.30 Registration / collect measuring board Lymington Yacht Haven, Marine Office
07.30 – 07.45 Captain’s briefing
08.15 – 16.00 competition times
17.00 – 18.00 Food & refreshments, Lymington Yacht Haven Sponsor Area
17.00 – 17.30 Prize giving, Lymington Yacht Haven Sponsor Area

Prize table

The winners on the day to get a place for a boat and two anglers in the 3rd edition of the Sea Angling Classic and win the honour of flying the Lymington Yacht Haven pennant at this year’s Classic.

Prizes for the longest of each of the targeted species and other categories as disclosed by the event organiser at the morning’s briefing

The combined length of the 5 longest selected species to count: bream, bass, rays, smoothhound, and tope.

In the event of a tie, the time of the first fish caught will be the winner. The same rule also applies to the longest fish in each category.

Prizes will only be given to competitors present at prize-giving.

There will be a raffle of any prize not won or allocated on the day with the proceeds going towards the Spirit OF Angling “Free Spirit” project.


  • Life jackets must be worn at all times when on the water.
  • Strictly Catch, Photograph, Measure, and Release.
  • Max 4 rods per boat, 3 hooks per rod.
  • No restriction on the fishing zone.
  • Only target fish will count Bass, Rays, Bream, Smoothhound, and Tope. This may be altered on the day due to weather condition
  • Fish must be over the legal size to count.
  • Fish must be measured using the official measuring board as follows:
    * Bass and bream: right flank down with lips touching the headboard and tail flat. The tail can be pointed.
    All rays: measured across the wings. One wing touching the headboard.
     Smooth-hounds and tope: belly down and nose tip touching the headboard.
  • Photographs of fish are to be sent as instructed on the day. Only pictures received from registered anglers will count.
  • Overall winners will be the boat with the longest combined fish length of each category. The number of fish per category as detailed during the morning briefing.
  • Prizes will awarded for the longest of each of the target species.
  • Participants can only win one prize in the competition which will be awarded in the order as announced at prize
  • In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by the time of the first fish, then the second fish and so forth until a winner can be determined

Condition of entry

A minimum of 2 anglers per boat and a maximum of 4

The competition is open to all from the age of 10 years and above. (Must be 10 on the first day of onsite registration.)
Competitors aged between 10 and 15 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Sea Angling Classic classes will recognise anyone of 16 and above on the first day of registration as an adult and therefore can participate without any guardianship but are not allowed to be recognised as the Captain of a boat until they become 18 on the first day of registration.

Shoreline Cleanup

In line with all events run on behalf of Angling Spirit, there will be an element of shoreline cleanup on the day.
Details to be provided by the event organiser during the morning Captain’s briefing.

If you decide to complete an additional shoreline cleanup make it count by filling this form. You do not need to be a participant to undertake a cleanup. Everybody is welcome. Not only a cleanup help the environment but it also gratifies the person doing it with an immediate feel-good factor which contributes to healthy mental health and well-being which is at the core of our Spirit OF Angling “Free Spirit” project.

All cleanup dully recorded are added to Spirit OF Angling sustainability project giving us more power when defending anglers’ rights with institutions such as the European Commission, DEFRA and EFFTA.