We now have 5 hotspot devices on the water.
To make it easy both network and password ARE the same so look for :
Deep Blue – Angling4
Kelley’s Hero 3 – Angling3
Kelley’s Hero 4 – Angling5
Dotty – Angling6
Wetwheels Solent – Angling7
We now have 5 hotspot devices on the water.
To make it easy both network and password ARE the same so look for :
Deep Blue – Angling4
Kelley’s Hero 3 – Angling3
Kelley’s Hero 4 – Angling5
Dotty – Angling6
Wetwheels Solent – Angling7
Network Angling1 – password: Angling1
Solution #1: with pictures – This is the best solution
1- Take a screenshot/picture of you trying to access the App
2- Send SMS to Event HQ 07585 768 880 or Result Desk 07747 206 963 with
2A- screenshot/picture of you trying to access the app
2B- picture#1 & picture#2 you will be uploading when you come into range
Solution #2: without the provision of pictures if the connection does not allow for it we need to have all of the following details in any order
1- FUN number
2-Name of angler
4-Fish type
5-Boat name