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Benefits OF Fishing

Have you ever wondered why angling is the world’s #1 participant’s sport? Don’t take our words for it Google it.

In short fishing has been the world’s most popular participant sport since its inception 40,000 years ago and continues to offer numerous physical and mental health benefits, along with the chance to develop new skills. Fishing provides the perfect activity to bond with family and friends, while complying with social distancing rules and supporting local businesses through equipment purchases. If you’re not yet convinced, read more advantages below and join the 38 million people of all ages worldwide connecting with themselves, others and nature through fishing!

Benefits of fishing

Improved physical health
Fishing makes exercise enjoyable, without it feeling like a chore. Choosing a fishing spot within walking distance helps the environment while ensuring you follow COVID-19 guidance by minimising travel. As an aerobic and cardiovascular exercise, walking exercises your lungs and strengthens your heart muscles by increasing your heart rate. Fly fishing, which involves wading through water, can accrue the same benefits.

The repetitive movements involved in casting your line, retrieving fish and casting again work your shoulder, back and forearm muscles, along with your biceps and triceps. This activity prevents muscle atrophy by stopping your muscles from remaining idle. It also strengthens your core muscles, reducing back injuries that a weak core is associated with.

Fishing helps the entire family enjoy a healthier lifestyle by increasing vitamin D intake through exposure to the sun, improving bone strength. As fish are one of the healthiest and most low-fat food sources, occasionally eating your catch provides protein, vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids (which prevent bone inflammation).

Mental health benefits
Setting and achieving personal goals while fishing can boost your self-esteem and confidence. Fishing in beautiful natural surroundings has been proven to increase relaxation and happiness, especially as focusing on your catch distracts from stressful everyday life. Due to these therapeutic benefits, fishing can treat depression, anxiety, PTSD and ADHD.

As a versatile and flexible sport, fishing can be carried out solo but it is also a great way to meet new people. By fishing, you join a tight-knit community of like-minded people – and there is no pressure to join an angling club or fish regularly. Encouraging fishing particularly improves mental health among the newly-retired and provides an entertaining day out with the family.

The ability to develop new skills
Fishing requires planning and critical thinking skills to maximise your catch while improving your concentration and reaction times while searching for and reacting to fish bites. It can increase your creativity and problem-solving skills as you must adapt to challenges presented to you by the uncontrollable landscape. Learning how to cast and reel in correctly requires practice, which improves your patience.

As fishing can form a lifelong hobby, these transferable skills will never be lost and can benefit both your personal and professional lives. It is never too late to start fishing, but it is likewise never too early – these skills are great to pass onto children and grandchildren.


Our great friend Ange Porteux fished until six months short of his 105th birthday.

Inventor of one of the only effective lures for bass fishing in rough seas he fished for 84 years and recommended that beginner fishermen should never be discouraged from gaining as much experience as possible. By following his advice, the benefits you will gain from fishing over time will be immeasurable!